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Personal travelling records

  Roman Brühwiler:

"Travelling records are comparable to climbing the peak of a mountain:

It's the satisfaction and the gratitude for having suceed such a challenge that remains.

or with other words:

To climb three steps of a stairs or to travel
around the world in three days   -   both can
be absolutely useless or they can be satisfying, thrilling and motivating!"

7 hour        - 5 African countries 
1 day         - 20 countries 
1,5 days    - 28'600 km scheduled flights 
6 days       - 22 mainly African countries 
12 days     - 81'900 km scheduled flights 

7 hours - 5 countries in Africa

To visit five countries in seven hours seems to be very easy, especially in Europe. But it's something completely different if there are African countries. On the one hand African countries are of course much bigger, and on the other hand the streets aren't that comfortable. In addition to this, many controll stations build up by regional military forces cost time. If visiting five African countries during seven hours may be possible?

Datum & Lokalzeit   Strecke   Land
07.04.2006 10:15h   Start am Grenzfluss Leraba    
   25 km südwestlich von Niangoloko   ELFENBEINKUESTE (1) 
07.04.2006 10:20h - 12:35h   Fahrt nach Bobo Dioulasso (150 km)   BURKINO FASO (2) 
07.04.2006 12:55h - 14:25h   Flug nach Lomé   TOGO (3) 
07.04.2006 15:10h - 16:00h   Fahrt zur Grenze Ghana (10 km)   Togo 
07.04.2006 16:00h - 16:15h   Grenzübertritt nach Ghana   GHANA (4) 
07.04.2005 16:15h - 17:10h   Fahrt über Lomé zur Grenze   
   von Benin (70 km)   Togo 
07.04.2006 17:15h   Grenzübertritt nach Benin bei Aneho   BENIN (5) 
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